Daily departures
Does not include hotel search
Maximum capacity for 60 people
Only over 18 years of age
- Round-trip sports boat transportation
- Check in de 7:15-8:00 am
- Departure 8:00-8:15 am
- Return to Cartagena 3:00 pm.
- Arrival in Cartagena 4:00-4:20 pm
- Round-trip sports boat transportation
- Lunch (paella pao pao, seafood rice, fish, or vegetarian)
- Welcome cocktail
- Desolating chair
- Poolside DJ (Afrohouse music)
- Does not include port tax
- It is for people over 18 years old, minors under that age are not accepted.
- Bed in the first row facing the sea has an additional value of 80,000 pesos.
- The decoration of the bed for the special day is additional.
No hay valoraciones aún.